Validated and Potential Medicinal Rice Formulations for Diabetes Type 2 and Cancer Complications and Revitalization of Liver (TH Group-186) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database

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Hanging, from nose, a weight was
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Heavy, nose were too
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Horsehair drawn tightly across bridge of nose
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Horseradish were burning in nostrils
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Horseradish, and it was rising to the nostrils, he had taken
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Hot breath came out mouth and nose
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Hot, expired air felt
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Hypersensitive at root of nose, mucous membrane were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Icy cold air in nostrils
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Inflamed, nose were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Inhaled sulphuric acid
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Large, nose were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Leaf, at root of nose
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Leaf, fine, lay before posterior nares
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Leaflet were at root of nose obstructing smell
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)
Leather, nasal mucous membrane were stiff as
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Lodged in the posterior nares, quantity of mucus were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Loose, base of nose were thickened and
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Lump in posterior nares
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Lying against the nose, board were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Mucus, posterior nares were full of
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Mucus, dry, entirely filled nose
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Mucus, lodged in posterior nares, a large quantity were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Needle pricking point of nose
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Numb, one side of nose were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Obstructing vision, nose were enlarging and
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)

Open, alæ nasi were spread wide
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Nose)


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