
Showing posts from September, 2014

Morinda In Kodo-Kutki Millets based Traditional Herbal Formulations For Diabetes Complications used by Tribal Healers of Chhattisgarh and Odisha

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 3274 View Groups Modified 52 weeks schedule (in four sets) for treatment of patients having  Diabetes  with poor general health as suggested by the Traditional Healers of  Bastar  region  Indian  state Chhattisgarh .  SET 3-WEEK 45 .  Related Article .  Related Ecoport Tables . Days Morning Noon Evening Monday AAF-4+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-2+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1 Tuesday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1 Wednesday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1 Thursday AAF-4+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1 Friday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1 Saturday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1 Sunday AAF-4+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-2+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1

Momordica In Kodo-Kutki Millets based Traditional Herbal Formulations For Diabetes Complications used by Tribal Healers of Chhattisgarh and Odisha

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 3273 View Groups Modified 52 weeks schedule (in four sets) for treatment of patients having  Diabetes  with poor general health as suggested by the Traditional Healers of  Bastar  region  Indian  state Chhattisgarh .  SET 3-WEEK 44 .  Related Article .  Related Ecoport Tables . Days Morning Noon Evening Monday HL-2+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Tuesday HC-3+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Wednesday HL-2+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Thursday HC-3+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Friday HL-2+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Saturday HC-3+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Sunday HL-2+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1

Mollugo In Kodo-Kutki Millets based Traditional Herbal Formulations For Diabetes Complications used by Tribal Healers of Chhattisgarh and Odisha

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 3272 View Groups Modified 52 weeks schedule (in four sets) for treatment of patients having  Diabetes  with poor general health as suggested by the Traditional Healers of  Bastar  region  Indian  state Chhattisgarh .  SET 3-WEEK 43 .  Related Article .  Related Ecoport Tables . Days Morning Noon Evening Monday AAF-4+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1 Tuesday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1 Wednesday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1 Thursday AAF-4+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-1+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1 Friday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1 Saturday AAF-4+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 SH-5+MM-1 Sunday AAF-4+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-1+MR-1

Mitragyna In Kodo-Kutki Millets based Traditional Herbal Formulations For Diabetes Complications used by Tribal Healers of Chhattisgarh and Odisha

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 3271 View Groups Modified 52 weeks schedule (in four sets) for treatment of patients having  Diabetes  with poor general health as suggested by the Traditional Healers of  Bastar  region  Indian  state Chhattisgarh .  SET 3-WEEK 42 .  Related Article .  Related Ecoport Tables . Days Morning Noon Evening Monday HL-1+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Tuesday SH-11+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Wednesday HL-1+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Thursday SH-11+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Friday HL-1+MR-1 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Saturday SH-11+MR-1 PH-2+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1 Sunday HL-1+MR-1+ MedM-3+MedM-4 PH-1+MM-2 AAF-5+MR-1

Major Botanical Differences between Malva species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1935 View Groups Major Botanical Differences between  Malva  species. Characters Malva sylvestris Malva verticillata var. chinensis (1) Synonyms M. sylvestris var. mauritiana M.chinensis ;  M.parviflora (2) Plant Herbs or under shrubs, almost glabrous. Small annual pubescent herbs branching at the base (3) Leaves Suborbiculor, cordate, 3-6 cm across, angled or shallowly lobed, long petioled Suborbicular or reniform cordate 2-6 cm across, crenate, usually sinuate or 5-7 angled. (4) Flowers Axillary, Several together on long pedicles. Epicalyx lobes small, ovate; Corolla 3-4 cm across, pink-purple, petals long clawer. Axillary, Solitary or few together; Epicalyx lobes small, linear, hairy, caducous; Corolla 10-15 mm across, pink purple, petals clawed. (5) Schizocarp 6mm across 6mm across (6) Mericarp Reticulated at the back, two - keeled, nearly glabrous Strongly reticulated on the back 2-keeled, s...

Major Botanical Differences Among Lygodium species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1934 View Groups Major Botanical Differences Among Lygodium species. Characters Lygodium flexuosum Lygodium microphyllum Rachis Primary rachis branches abbreviated, secondary rachis branches alternately pinnate bearing 3-5 leaflets, variously lobed at base, gradually tapering towards apex. Primary rachis branches distinct, secondary rachis branches zig-zag, bearing pinnately arranged leaflets, stalked, widened or sometimes lobed at the base. Fertile pinules Slightly narrower than the sterile ones. Usually shorter than the sterile one but hardly narrowed. Fertile lobes Marginal, 2-5 mm long. Marginal, 3-6 mm long.

Major Botanical Differences Among Laggera species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1933 View Groups Major Botanical Differences Among Laggera species. Characters Laggera alata Laggera aurita Laggera crispa Plant Annual erect herb having height upto one meter. Annual erect herb, 30-90 cm high. Annual or perennial erect much branched viscid herb, 50-150 cm high. Stem Broadly winged, clothed with viscous or glandular pubescence. Viscous hairy, woody at base Winged toothed. Leaves Sessile, 3-8x0.7-3 cm, oblong-lanceolate, decurrent on to wings of stem, dentate-glandular. Obovate or oblanceolate, toothed, loobed or half pinnatifid, viscous, hairy on both surfaces. 2-15x0.3-5 cm, obovate or oblong, subacute and apiculate at apex, serrate dentate at margins. Flower Heads in racemose panicles; Involucral bracts many seriate; Ray florets filiform; Disc floret five-toothed. In corymbose or diffuse panicles, Involucral bracts many seriate; Ray florets filiform. In terminal leafy corymbiform panicles; Inv...

Major Botanical Differences Among Wendlandia species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1931 View Groups Major Botanical Differences Among Wendlandia species. Characters W. coriaceae W. heynei W. tinctoria Plant A shrub or small tree, stem and leaves glabrous. Trees upto 12 m. high. Small tree with spreading branches. Leaves Opposite, petiolate, narrowly lanceolate, glabrous, apex acuminate, base attenuate. Opposite, oblong, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, pubescent, acuminate. Obovate, elliptic-ovate, glabrous above, sparsely hairy beneath, abruptly acuminate. Flowers White, in dense panicles, Calyx glaborus with very short teeth; Corolla 5. In tomentose panicle, fragrant, white; Corolla funnel-shaped. Small, white, sessile, in pubescent panicles, Calyx teeth oblong-ovate, hairy, persistent in fruit, Corolla slender. Fruit Small, globose Globose, timentose. Globose, minute, reddish-brown. Flowering & Fruiting time Feb.-April. March-July. Jan.-May.

Major Botanical Differences between Spergula species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1930 View Groups Major Botanical Differences between Spergula species. Characters Spergula arvensis Spergula fallax Plant Small, pubescent or glandular, diffuse green herbs. Slender annual herb. Leaves Linear-subulate, semiterete, rather fleshy. Linear-subulate, fleshy, falsely whorled. Flowers White, petals obtuse. White, in branched cymes, Petals ovate-oblong Capsule 5-valved. 3-valved. Seeds Papillose, keeled or narrowely winged. Fruiting pedicels deflexed. Granulate, winged, wing striate. Flowering and Fruiting time October-January. December-February.

Major Senecio species and its occurrence.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1929 View Groups Major Senecio species and its occurrence. Senecio species Regions S. cineraria, S. doria, S. incanus, S. jacobaea, S. viscosus, S. vulgaris. Europe S. campestris, S. nikoensis, S. palmatus, S. scadens. China S. Kaempferi, S. palmatus, S. scanbens indo-China S. aureus; S. cineraria, S. vulgaris North-America S. cervariaefolius, S. grayanus Mexico S. ambavilla, S. erechthitoides, S. faugasioides, S. hildebrantii, S. microdontus. Madagascur. S. ambavilla Mauritius S. albanensis, S. asperulus, S. brachypodus, S. bupleuroides, S. concolor, S. deltoideus, S. dregeanus, S. gerardi, S. lasiorhizus, S. leantodontis. South Africa

Major Botanical Differences Among Stachys species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1928 View Groups Major Botanical Differences Among Stachys species. Characters S. parviflora S.sieboldi S. sylvatica S. palustris Stem and Leaves Beneath densely white woolly. Densely or sparingly hairy but not woolly. ------- -------- I] Leaves petioled; corolla tube exserted. ------ II] Leaves sessile, corolla tube included. i] Petiole 2 cm or shorter, margin crenate. ii] Petiole 4 cm or longer, margin serrate.

Major Botanical Differences among Thalictrum species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1927 View Groups Major Botanical Differences among Thalictrum species. Characters T. chelidonii T. foliolosum T. javanicum Plant Much branched perennial herb. Graceful fern-like erect herbm 90-120 cm high with rhizomatous root stocks. Erect herb 50-90 cm high. Leaves large, leaflets of lower branches, glabrous beneath. Tri-pinnate, pinnate with usually ternate roundish, lobulate leaflets. Tri-pinnate, pinnae with many ternately lobulate leaflets. Flowers large, 2.5 cm in diam. Small in large branched panicles, pedicels carpillary. Small, in terminal panicles, pedicels thick. Carpels many, as long as their stalk. -------- 10-25, sessile. Flowering & Fruiting time Aug.-Sept. July-Sept. July-Sept.

Major Botanical Differences among Sonchus species.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1926 View Groups Major Botanical Differences among Sonchus species. Characters Sonchus asper Sonchus brachyotus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus wightianus Plant         Leaves Annual herb, 15-70 cm high. Perennial erect herb, 10-100 cm high, with thick tap roots. Annual erect branched herb, 20-70 cm high. Perennial erect herb, 30-100 cm high, with creepig root stock. Heads Lower leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, lobed or undivided, middle leaves often runicinate-pinnatifid, basal leaves dentate or subspinose at margins. Basal in rosette, middle leaves oblong or Spathulate oblong, upper leaves linear. Cauline, sessile, amplexicaul, ovate-oblong, with acute auricles, margins runcinate, upper leaves lanceolate. Linear-oblanceolate, lower leaves entire or pinnatifid with 4-5 pairs of lobes, middle and upper leaves lanceolate, acuminate, margins denticulate. Achenes 15 mm in diam, glandular peduncle; In...

Major Botanical differences between Farsetia species

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 1925 View Groups Major Botanical differences between Farsetia species Character Farsetia hamiltonii Farsetia macrantha Plant Annual, canescent herb, often woody at base, densely adpressed with bipartite, white hairs A canescent, rigid, perennial under shrub, covered throughout with adpressed, bipartite scabrous hairs. Stem Terete, slender, virgate, somewhat rough -------- Leaves Linear, very variable, sessile, entire, striose, Broadly linear - lancealate, alternate, subcoriaceous, acute at apex. Inflorescences and flowers 5-20 flowered, lax, ebracteate racemes; Flowers white or pink 5-15 flowered racemes, flowers white or creamy white. Fruit Siliqua variable in length, 11-32 x 3-4mm, oblong, compressed` Siliqua 30-35 x 5-6mm, oblong compressed, densely strigose. Seeds Uniseriate, 3mm in diam orbicular 6 mm wide, biseriate, compressed. Flowering & Fruiting time Mostly Aug. - Jan. Aug - Jan

Queries received regarding planting material of Indian medicinal and aromatic crops during first week of November, 2006

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 2327 View Groups Queries received regarding planting material of Indian medicinal and aromatic crops during first week of November, 2006.  Related Ecoport Tables Common Name Scientific Name Queries generated from (name of state) Remarks Sarpgandha Rauvolfia serpentina Gujarat  and  Punjab Seeds with good germination percentage in bulk. When offered about young plants, showed no interest. Satavar Asparagus racemosus Madhya Pradesh Young plants Kevatch Mucuna pruriens Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,  Rajasthan , Punjab Both black and white seeded Kevatch Chandrashoor Lepidium sativum Madhya Pradesh Seeds in limited amount Asgandh Withania somnifera Punjab,  West Bengal ,  Orissa Seeds in bulk but farmers in Chhattisgarh failed to fulfill the demand Akarkara Spilanthes acmella Punjab,  Haryana , Uttar Pradesh In bulk. Pudina Mentha sp. Uttar Pradesh,  Jharkhand , local, Orissa,...

National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during November 13 to 18, 2006.

Contributor: Dr. Pankaj Oudhia Interactive Table ID: 2326 View Groups National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of  Indian  state  Chhattisgarh  received during November 13 to 18, 2006.  Related Ecoport Tables Local Name Scientific Name National and International Queries Remarks Charota Cassia tora N Seeds of fresh season in bulk Keu Kand Costus speciosus N Flowers Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata N Whole plant in bulk Motha Cyperus rotundus N Whole plant Hulhul Cleome viscosa N Seeds Vasa Adhatoda vasica N Leaves Bael Aegle marmelos N Roots by extraction companies Satavar Asparagus racemosus N Roots Musli Chlorophytum sp. N Tubers Sarpgandha Rauvolfia serpentina N, IN Roots and seeds Tulsi Ocimum sanctum N Seeds Gulab Rosa sp. N, IN Petals of organically grown Rose in bulk Jason Hibiscus rosa-sinensis N Flowers preferably red Hadjod Cissus quadrangularis N, IN Fleshy stems Bhengra Eclipta alba N Whole p...